Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2008

It has been an interesting month, Hurricane Faye with a little wind and lots of rain, 16 inches at my house, Link went lame with new shoes and real estate prices are falling.

Link was barefoot for the summer and his frog (the horny growth in the middle of his hoof) wore down. Wayne Frey put his steel and rubber shoes on him and he went lame - bang. The problem was new to me. The shoes raised the frog off the ground and without pressure on the frog his feet hurt. Wayne came right over that night and put what looked like apoxy in the shoe to fill the space between the ground and the frog. Link was amazingly better right a way. I really get good service from Wayne.

The real estate market is searching for a bottom. I had one seller talk to his lender about his over financed property and they indicated they would accept a short sale (where they would accept 40% of what was owed on the mortgage). It reduced the price from $165,000 to $85,000. Now we have a serious buyer looking at it.

Recently, I listed 5 nice acres near Waukeenah Highway and the Nash Rd (SR156) for $8,500. It would have been $12,500 three years ago.

Another listing that I listed for $132,000 three years ago just went under contract for $76,500. The seller thought it was better to make $15,000 than to give it to the bank and get nothing. It is under contract and looking to close.

Rentals are as plentiful as I have seen them for awhile. I have a number of nice 1 bedroom 1 bath apartments for rent on N. Jefferson St. for as little as $525 per month, a 3 bedroom 2 bath house on E. Washington St. for $850 per month, a 2 bedroom 1 bath cabin in the woods with a screened porch, large fenced backyard for $750 per month. and a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath single wide on five acres of fenced pasture for $550 per month in Aucilla Forest and Meadows.

To see my listings go to .

Isn't that Sarah Palin something else! She has certainly brighten things up. It is nice to see a fresh face.